bcwebdesign.co.uk |
Hosting your site is a term used for the place where your
website is actually held on a computer known as a server. It may be that you
already have webspace which you rent on an annual or monthly basis.
If so it may be possible to host your intended site there always ensuring that commercial usage is permitted by the Internet Service Provider (ISP). If you need ASP, CGI, PERL Script facilities etc. it is essential that the right ISP is found for your site and that the bandwidth requirements are satisfactory. In most cases BCWebdesign are able to provide hosting facilities through a major ISP at LOW COST and WITHOUT any ADVERTISING or BANNERS. Typical cost is £5.00 per month. This may not be available permanently but for now it is proving to be a reliable and flexible facility with many excellent commercial facilities included. |
BCWebdesign will be pleased to
advise you on the capacity & type of website facilities that your site will
need to operate in an efficient way for your needs.
Depending on the nature of your business, function of your website and the amount of webspace you require the selection of the best ISP for you will be quickly determined and cost comparisons may be made. Costs obviously depend upon many variables but for most SME's a monthly cost of £5 to £25 per month will provide a good service by an ISP. |