

What is the Internet and would a website
be appropriate for my size and type of business?
A natural and familiar question.

The Internet is accepted as the normal way to communicate, locally and globally.
It is a worldwide communications network created by computers linked by telephony or similar digital means. This enables virtually instantaneous transmission of data from computers anywhere on the planet to and from each other.

Hence the term World Wide Web or WWW for short.
The WWW is easily accessible by anyone with a computer, TV or WAP phone with the appropriate connection. This is a very powerful medium.

We believe that most professions, trades and occupations may be sensibly represented by a website and take advantage of the ever expanding market within the World Wide Web.

ONE It matters not whether your business operates from City or Country, home or office.
You may be a multi-national organisation, national company, partnership, sole trader or artisan.
NY Office
Whatever your business and whatever it's size your presence on the WWW will be universally acknowledged and respected.
To be represented on the WWW is to speak to the world and your next door neighbour alike.

small office
remote office town office country office
Enquiries by e-mail: info@bcwebdesign.co.uk